Have Any Questions? jcpd@mlss.gov.jm


The JCPD is now recruiting for the following positions- kindly note the information below. Please be notified that the recruitment process at the JCPD is ongoing and the vacancies are posted on JCPD’s Website and the Caribbean Jobs Platform. Please see below job vacancies below for your attention.

Click the link to apply: https://www.caribbeanjobs.com/Jamaica-Council-for-Persons-with-Jobs-4938.aspx

Please take note of the current vacancies available and a link for submitting applications:

Records Officer  – https://www.caribbeanjobs.com/PreviewJob.aspx?Id=176869 

Internal Auditor  – https://www.caribbeanjobs.com/PreviewJob.aspx?Id=176868

Head of Procurement  – https://www.caribbeanjobs.com/PreviewJob.aspx?Id=176861

Public Procurement Officer  – https://www.caribbeanjobs.com/PreviewJob.aspx?Id=176856

Checking & Certifying Officer  – https://www.caribbeanjobs.com/PreviewJob.aspx?Id=176853

Voucher Preparation Officer – https://www.caribbeanjobs.com/PreviewJob.aspx?Id=176850

Disability Management Officer: https://www.caribbeanjobs.com/PreviewJob.aspx?Id=176905  

Public Education Officer – https://www.caribbeanjobs.com/PreviewJob.aspx?Id=178787

Driver – https://www.caribbeanjobs.com/PreviewJob.aspx?Id=178792

Please do not send applications to the email address of any officer at the JCPD instead make an application using the links provided. 

Please spread the word. All interested persons are welcome to apply.