
Why do we need it?
  • To make sure that people who have a disability are treated fairly and equally.
  •  Every citizen must obey the conditions of the Act.
  •  It also aims to secure the full and effective participation and inclusion of PWDs, in the society.
  •  The passing of this legislation is in keeping with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of PWDs (CRPD) which Jamaica has signed and agreed to.
The main objectives of the Disabilities Act are to:
  •  Encourage all Jamaicans to recognise and accept the principle that PWDs have the same fundamental rights as any other person
  •  Promote individual dignity, freedom of choice and independence, of PWDs
  •  Make sure that PWDs are able to take part effectively and are included on an equal basis with others in all aspects of national life
  •  Prevent or prohibit discrimination against PWDs
  •  Promote acceptance of PWDs and respect for their differences as human beings.
The following key areas are highlighted in the Disabilities Act 2014:
  •  The Provision of a Disability Certificate
  •  The Right to Education & Training
  •  The Right to Employment
  •  The Right to Adequate Healthcare and Accessible Facilities
  •  The Right to Housing and to enter Premises
  •  The Work of the New Jamaica Council for PWDs and the Disability Tribunal
  •  The Right to Access Public Passenger Vehicles
  • The Right to Participate in Public Office and Political Life
Do you know what a disability is?

A disability is the permanent loss of function in a part of the body, including the brain. Some people are born that way. Others have a disability as a result of an illness or an injury. The Disabilities Act will protect the rights of persons with disabilities so that they can work, raise families or do business like everyone else.

Vote for this!

Persons with disabilities should have easy access to facilities for voting. The voting process, the materials that are used and the support provided must match their needs.

Where do you want to go?

Persons with disabilities have a right to use public transportation. This means the Government must make available vehicles that are accessible to them.

Yes! This is access!

Persons with disabilities have a right to Housing. They should also be able to have access to facilities inside premises like restrooms with grab bars and wide doorways for wheelchairs.

It shouldn’t be a headache!

Persons with disabilities have a right to proper healthcare. They should be able to communicate with health care professionals like everybody else and enter hospitals, clinics, doctors’ offices, pharmacies or labs easily.

Here’s a great teaching moment!

Every person with a disability has the right to an education with accessible facilities and the support they need.